WAPDA Town is divided into three subdivisions, which are further divided into blocks. And offers tuitions to the students of all classes. Phase 2 of Johar Town is the most popular area when it comes to apartment purchases, having 53.1% of total searches. Business Identifier Codes (BIC codes) for thousands of banks and financial institutions in more than 210 countries. These codes differ from cities to cities as well as Postal Codes of one city is also different according to their Post offices control area so far.

Few people also called it Lahore Zip Postal code too.

Learn more Latest News and Updates Postal codes are actually given the area privacy as well as using recognition of that area. Yes, these are the reciprocal names what will we want to say. Its address is 929 - E Johar Town, Block E Phase 1 Johar Town, Lahore, Punjab and phone number is 042-35170930. 54783 Postal code area / city name in Pakistan. Email Us JOHAR TOWN Post Code location area details. Pearl One, 94-B/I, MM Alam Road, Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan. WAPDA Town (Urdu: شهرک واپڈا , Shahrak-e-Wapda) is a housing estate located within union council 257 (Wapda Town) in Iqbal Tehsil of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. how can i get district wise postal code of Pakistan like Islamic Banking Branch: No. BANK ALFALAH LIMITED (JOHAR TOWN LAHORE) in LAHORE. A large number of the post office are operating in Lahore to cover the entire city, that’s why different Postal Code of Lahore are allocated for the identity to differentiate it from one from other on the bases of post or zip code.