Buy the original version andenjoy that one instead. Theclassic animation utilised in the original film looked amazing, andremoving some of these classic masterpiece animations and intercuttingthem with new CGI stuff looks and feels, well, wrong.It's not BAD CGI, but unnecessary, and jarring when intercut with theolder (and in my opinion superior) style.

The rating has nothing to do withthe original storyline or old animation blablabla but only this newversion, which is completely unnecessary in every imaginable way. Reviewed by artur-artborg 3/10 First up, I want to make it clear that my rating goes to 'Ghost in theShell 2.0' and not the original film. Jump to OST - Soundtrack - Music (2004) Legit Link:: () ( ) Ꮂ ghost in the shell 2: innocence ost - soundtrack - music 2004 ✹ ghost in the shell 2: innocence (theme song) - trailer music - (official) soundtrack - (theme music movie) - (theme movie) - (theme music) - ost ghost in the shell 2: innocence ost - soundtrack - music online free streaming.